Councils for CARE Canada

Local action for global change – Councils for CARE Canada bring together Canadians who share a passion for empowering women and helping to forge a gender equal future for all

Group of female volunteers of care canada gathering

If half of the world’s population continues to have fewer rights and opportunities (think something as simple as having a bank account or starting a business) than the other half, inequality will continue to fuel poverty. Women’s economic empowerment describes how we help women unleash their potential to earn and save.

CARE works with women to help them access the resources, tools, skills and power to change their own lives. The energetic awareness building and fundraising efforts of these volunteers are an invaluable asset for CARE Canada.

Each council selects a CARE project and dedicates itself to learning (through guest speakers, book club and field travel), and raising awareness and funds for a 3-4 year period.

Currently the Vancouver Council has adopted the Women’s Voice and Leadership Project in Kenya and South Sudan which helps build stronger, more resilient women’s rights organizations that will be able to continue supporting and empowering women for years to come.

Why should I join a Council for CARE Canada?

You will have the opportunity to join, learn from, and work with like-minded women and men with diverse backgrounds who believe that supporting and empowering women around the world matters.

Since each council supports a specific program, you will learn how your efforts and donations have a direct impact through specific program updates from the field, direct connection with the women you are supporting and opportunities to learn from CARE Canada’s staff and other experts.

What’s involved in being a Council member?

As a council member you’ll learn about CARE’s work and have the opportunity to engage others. By using your skills and engaging your networks you’ll help build awareness and raise funds for CARE’s work

Councils hold at least two meetings a year where the group will discuss objectives, pick a project to support, celebrate successes, and plan the activities the council will undertake over the coming year. It’s also a chance to get to know your fellow council members-women who share your interests in empowering women and girls and inspire others to get involved.

In addition to semi-annual business meetings, councils also organize learning events, book clubs, and other initiatives that bring council members together around their common interests.

The main fundraiser of the Vancouver Council is the annual International Women’s Day event on March 8th.

Members make a financial donation based on individual ability to give, and are asked to invite their networks to help the movement grow.

Group of smiling females marching together outdoors1

You will have the opportunity to join various working committees within the council based on your interests and skills.

Council leadership

Kelsey Dunwoodie – Chair
Audrey Ple – Vice Chair
Joanne Gassman & Barbara Ross-Denroche – Past Chairs
Dr. Martha Piper & Laura Edwards – Founding Chairs

For more information, contact