
World Humanitarian Day 2022: South Sudan continues to be one of the deadliest places to be an aid worker

World Humanitarian Day 2022: South Sudan continues to be one of the deadliest places to be an aid worker

South Sudan continues to be one of the deadliest places to be an aid worker, according to analysis done by CARE on data from the Humanitarian Outcomes Aid Worker Security Database. Forty-four aid workers have lost their lives globally since the beginning of this year, including 11 in South Sudan, 8 in Afghanistan and 7 in Myanmar.

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World Refugee Day 2022: Shockingly low levels of humanitarian aid funding for displaced people around the world

World Refugee Day 2022: Shockingly low levels of humanitarian aid funding for displaced people around the world

Refugee and displacement crises across Venezuela and neighboring countries, the Central Sahel, Syria, South Sudan, and Democratic Republic of Congo receive shockingly low support from the international community in the first 6 months of 2022. CARE calls on donor states not to forget these displacement crises and to increase financial aid immediately.

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